Sunday, January 5, 2020

Awards Nominations

We will be having our first annual Digiworldz Awards this year.

Nominations will begin by clicking on the tab above that says nominations. That will take you to a page that has the Google doc (nomination form) on it that you can fill out. Once you fill out a nomination form and then click submit and your nominations will be reviewed to make sure they meet the qualifications. All Nominees must meet the following qualifications

     1. They must have been an active account holder in DigiWorldZ in the year 2019.
2. They must be active in the category that they are nominated into.                 
  3. The nominee must have been a participant for more than a month at the end 
                       of the year and been a valid contributor to the grid in that category. 
     4. All nominees that meet the above Criteria will be on the ballot for the award in 
                    that category. We will be putting out a timeline for the nominations and the ballots.

                   5. You the person nominating must have been on the DigiWorldZ grid for 60 days minimum and have been an active account holder.